
News on the AI Act: Logbook on the planned EU Regulation

In order to be adequately prepared for the upcoming AI Act, it is advisable to keep an eye on the latest developments relating to the Regulation. We present the most important developments in the legislative process here. You’ll find the most recent post at the top.

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Work on the EU’s forthcoming Regulation on AI – or AI Act – is almost complete. Once in force, the AI Act will regulate the development and use of AI across the EU. As an EU Regulation, it will apply directly in the Member States. It does not require transposing into national law. The draft Regulation was tabled by the EU Commission in April 2021. The priority is to create a European legal framework for AI. But not only that: the AI Act should also set a global standard for the ethical use and development of AI technology.

Many of the prospective requirements are not expected to change significantly. As such, the basic regulatory framework is already foreseeable and organisations can prepare for it now. They can use our white paper (only avaiable in German) on the upcoming Regulation to help them do just that.

Whitepaper: AI Act

The AI Act came into effect on August 1, 2024. Therefore, we have completely revised our whitepaper.

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The official trilogue between the EU legislative bodies has recently been completed. The EU Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers have finalised their compromise versions of the draft AI Act and agreed on the key content. Further details will be finalised in the near future and the process will be concluded with formal votes by the Parliament and the Council of Ministers. So far it is not possible to say with certainty when the law will come fully into force. However, it is likely to be early 2024. Afterwards there will be an implementation period of two years for companies, although the first bans on particularly important areas of regulation will take effect just six months after the law comes into force.

Check here for all news and updates on the planned AI Act

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